• 00:30

    The course instructor introduces himself and explains the course structure.

  • 04:10

    Introduction of the panel discussion topic on the socioeconomic impact of international business in Bermuda.

  • 08:39

    The Honorable Minister of Economy and Labor speaks about economic development in Bermuda.

  • 19:06

    Discussion on the difference between economic activity occurring in versus through Bermuda.

  • 25:04

    Explanation of why international business is considered an export for Bermuda's economy.



The video is a recorded introductory class for a course on reinsurance at Bermuda College. It features a panel discussion on the socioeconomic impact of international business in Bermuda, but largely consists of lengthy, unfocused speeches by panelists, with little depth on the subject matter.

educationaloverly longrepetitive content