• 00:24

    Introduction to Jonah's role in the Old Testament and his unique story.

  • 02:15

    God commands Jonah to go to Nineveh.

  • 03:56

    God prevents Jonah's plan of escaping to Nineveh.

  • 04:47

    Jonah's very short and vague message to Nineveh.

  • 05:27

    The entire city of Nineveh repents.

  • 08:06

    The video concludes by challenging viewers with God's questions.

Buchvideo: Jona


The video "Buchvideo: Jona" from BibleProject - Deutsch provides an illustrated overview of the Book of Jonah from the Bible. It focuses on the narrative of Jonah, exploring his reluctance to follow God's command to preach to Nineveh and the satire embedded in the story, contrasting Jonah's attitude with that of the people he despises.
